• Leading of research project- Specialised in the Physico-Chimical and Spectroscopic analysis of organic and inorganic material (pigments, glass, metals etc.) : interpretation of the results and capacity for synthesis, oral and written communications, respect of the fixed delays.
• Mastered instrumentation - Raman microscopy, optics microscopy, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, Liquid and gas chromatography (HPLC, CPG), XPS, TGA, Infrared spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, electrolytic techniques etc.
• Communications & publications - Numerous experiences of oral communication (in English or French) during French national congresses and international (Spain, Lebanon, China, UK, R. Czech, Brazil,… ). Written communication: scientific publications, vulgarisation reviews or participation to collective works …
• Computing - Mastery of the software : Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, Photoshop, Isis, Labspec ..., Internet (HTML PHP language ...).
• Languages : Bilingual : French / Arab Fluent: English Base : Italian/Japanese
Since Oct 2010 : Conservation scientist at CARAA, Centre d’Analyses et de Recherche en Art et Archéologie
Since 2010 : Teatcher at INP, Institut National du Patrimoine
Since 2010 : Associate Researcher, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris ; CNRS-UMR 7194.
Since Oct 2006 : Conservation Scientist, The Getty Conservation Institute (Museum Research Laboratory).
Oct. 03 to May 05 : Research Engineer, CNRS-LIMHP, contract between four universities and tree industrials firms.
Research subject (1): Study of the photocatalysis action of Anti-UV inorganic agents (Ce, W, Y, Mo, Ti oxides…) to be incorporated into varnishes to avoid the decolouration of wood or of the varnish.
Research subject (2): Analyses of high photo-catalytic oxides (TiO2 bases, sol-gel) for water depollution. More details (Pdf)
June to Jan. 2003 : Research Engineer (Post-Doctorat), CNRS-Université de Lille, contract with the SABIC company (Saoudi Basic Industry Corporation)
Research subject: Chemical, physical and mineralogical analysis of metallic oxides catalysts for the oxidation of acroleïn to acrylic acid. More details (Pdf)
1998-2001 : Searcher-doctoral student in archaeometry, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Research subject (1) : Evaluation of the capacity of Raman Microscopy in the mineralogical and physico-chemical characterization of archaeological material : corroded metals, stained-glass and pigments. More details (html)
Research subject (2) : Elaboration of a data base of Raman reference spectra of products susceptible to be observed in pigments or on the alteration products of metals. More details (Pdf)
Tel : 00 1 (323) 656 8876
Email : contact@bouchard-michel.com
Curriculum Vitae