Bouchard, M. (1995) : Protection des métaux contre la corrosion, Licence, Laboratoire de Conservation, Restauration et Recherches, CNRS, Draguignan. pp.40.
Bouchard, M. (1996) : La constitution des encres, papyrus et autres documents graphiques par C.P.G., Maîtrise, Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Documents Graphiques (C.R.C.D.G), CNRS, Paris. pp.51 + annexes.
Bouchard, M. (1998) : Étude de grottes ornées du Paléolithique supérieur par Microscopie Raman., DEA, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. pp.60.
Bouchard, M. (5 décembre 2001) : Évaluation des Capacités de la Microscopie Raman dans la Caractérisation Minéralogique et Physico-chimique de Matériaux Archéologiques : Métaux, Vitraux & Pigments., thèse de Doctorat, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. pp.360.
Smith D.C., Bouchard, M. & Lorblanchet M. (1999) : An Initial Raman Microscopic Investigation of Prehistoric Rock Art in Caves of the Quercy District, S.W. France. J. Raman Spectrosc. 30, 347-354.
Bouchard, M., Smith D.C.(2003) : A Catalogue of 45 Reference Raman Spectra of Minerals concerning research in Art History or Archaeology (corroded metals & stained glass).Spectrochimica Acta A, 59, 10, 2247-2266.
Pigeaud R., Bouchard, M. et Laval E. (2004) : La grotte ornée Mayenne-Sciences (Thorigné-en-Charnie, Mayenne) : un exemple d'art pariétal d'époque gravettienne en France septentrionale. Gallia-Préhistoire, vol. 46.
Roussel M., Bouchard, M. Bordes-Richard E., Karim K., Al-Sayari S. (2005) : Oxidation of ethane to ethylene and acetic acid by MoVNbO catalysts. Catalysis Today. 99(1-2), 77-87.
Kolen’ko Y. V., Kovnir K A., Gavrilov A I., Garshev A. V., Meskin P. E., Churagulov B. R., Bouchard M., Colbeau-Justin C., Lebedev O. I., Van Tendeloo O. G. & Yoshimura M.(2005) : Structural, Textural, and Electronic Properties of a Nanosized Mesoporous ZnxTi1-xO2-x, Solid Solution Prepared by a Supercritical Drying Route, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 109(43),
Emilio C.A., Litter M.I., Kunst M., Bouchard, M. and Colbeau-Justin C. (2006) : Phenol photodegradation on platinized TiO 2 photocatalysts related to charge-carrier lifetimes. American Chemical Society, 22, 3606-3613.
Roussel, M; Bouchard, M., Karim, K; Al-Sayari, S; Bordes-Richard, E. (2006) : MoVO-based catalysts for the oxidation of ethane to ethylene and acetic acid. Applied Catalysis, A, 308, 62-74.
Bouchard M., Smith, D.C, Carabatos-Nedelec C., (2007) : An investigation of the feasibility of applying Raman Microscopy to exploring stained glass in Art and Archæology, Spectrochimica Acta, 68, 1101-1113.
Cañamares M.V., Leona M., Bouchard M., Grzywacz C.M., Wouters J. and Trentelman K. (in press) : Evaluation of various approaches to analyze the dye Gardenia on samples of different nature by micro-Raman and micro-SERS spectroscopy in J. Raman Spectrosc.
Bouchard M., Rivenc, R., Menke C. Learner T., (2009): FTIR and Raman Microscopy study of paints used by Sam Francis in e-Preservation science, 6, 27-37.
Tessier F., Chevire F., Munoz F., Merdrignac-Conanec O., Marchand R., Bouchard M., Colbeau-Justin C., (2008): Powder preparation and UV absorption properties of selected compositions in the CeO2–Y2O3 system, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 181, 1204– 1212.
Chapitres, contributions à des ouvrages collectifs
Smith D.C., Bouchard M., (2001) : Analyse de pigments des peintures pariétales de Pergouset par Microscopie Raman in La grotte de Pergouset,Ed. Lorblanchet M., Daf, Paris, 174-180.
Smith D.C., Bouchard M., (2005) : Note sur l'analyse non-destructive par Microscopie Raman des pigments dans les peintures pariétales préhistoriques de Santa Elina, Brésil, in Pré-Historia do Mato Grosso : Abrigios Rupestres de Santa Elina e da Cidade de Pedra, Ed. A. Vilhena Vialou, Universita da Sao Paulo, Brésil.
Bouchard M., Smith D.C., (Accepted 2004, Published 2007) : Raman Microscopy of Corroded Metals in Archaeology and Art History in Selected Topics in Raman Spectroscopic Applications, Geology, Bio-materials, Art, Ed. Rull F., Smith D.C. Vandenabeele P., and Edwards H.G.M., University of Valladolid., 99-158. HIGH RES (~15Mo) / LOW RES (~7Mo) (Do not rescale the page for printing)
Bouchard M., Smith D.C. (2005) : Database of 74 Raman Spectra of Standard Minerals of relevance to metal corrosion, stained glass in Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeology and Art History, H. Edwards & J. Chalmers Ed., Royal Society of Chemistry, UK.
Considine B., Wolfe J., Posner K. and Bouchard M. Eds., The Conservation of the Stark Collection, Getty Pub., (in prep.)
Résumés (congrès)
Smith D.C., Lorblanchet M., Bouchard M. and De Lumley H. (1998) : Prehistoric cave paintings in the Quercy district, France, a preliminary study of red pigments by Raman Microscopy. In A.HEYNS (ed.), Proceedings ICORS-98, XVIth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 6-11 Sept. 1998, Cape Town, John Wiley, Chichester, 550-551.
Smith D.C., Edwards H.G.M., Bouchard M., Brody R.H., Rull-Perez F., Withnall R. and Coupry C. (2000) : MRM (Mobile Raman Microscopy), a powerful in situ non-destructive archaeometric tool for the next millennium (ARCHAEORAMAN), in Science and technology for the safeguard of the cultural heritage of the Mediterranean basin, 2nd International Congress on "Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin, Nanterre, Paris, 5-9 July 1999, Proceedings book, (Ed). A. GUARINO, Elsevier, Amsterdam. vol. 2., 1373-1375.
Bouchard M., Smith D.C., (2000) : New data for application of Raman microscopy to archaeological corroded metallic objects ICORS'2000, Beijing, China, 1140-41.
Suite des publications Résumés (congrès)
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